Buildspots is building a very well located, modern, contemporary and attractive collective business building with residential accommodation and offices after demolishing existing buildings. It concerns a cluster of 3 buildings with a total of 19 units. There are 22 parking spaces across the entire site.
These units are sheds that are perfectly usable for storage, operating space for the self-employed or for small to medium-sized companies, logistical purposes, hobby room, etc. They are also all ideal investments in times when there is a demand for carefree real estate at excellent locations with a good rental yield.
An electricity box will be provided at the front. The site is accessed by an entrance and exit road. Behind one of the buildings there is a 5m green strip in which a 173,250 litre wadi will be constructed.
Construction will start in 2022 and completion is expected in 2023.
De KMO-site De Schelp is strategisch goed gelegen wegens zijn vlotte bereikbaarheid. De E403 ligt op 3 km en is één van de belangrijkste Belgische verkeersassen waarbij het de verbinding maakt tussen Brugge en Kortrijk. Daarom hebben zich in deze regio verschillende bedrijven gevestigd die zich positioneren op de Europese markt: de streek van Zedelgem is een regio in volle expansie. Het centrum van Brugge ligt op 15 km afstand, dat van Kortrijk op 40 km.
Building 1 will be positioned almost at the building line with the main road De Schatting. This building contains six units and is 90 m wide and 15 m deep. The units in Building 1 range from 219 m2 to 227 m2. Each unit contains a gate. The gate is 4 m wide and 4.2 m high. The volumes are finished with a flat roof and a height of 7m. The façades are finished with anthracite sandwich panels on top of an insulated concrete plinth.
The exterior joinery will be made of anthracite aluminium.
Building 3 is located 12 m behind building 1. Between these two buildings there will be internal access: 7.5 m wide concrete pavement and longitudinal parking spaces on both sides. In building 3, ten units will be provided. The width of the building is 101.8 m and the depth 17 m. The surface of the units varies from 170 m² to 186 m². Each unit contains a door measuring 4 m wide and 4.2 m high.
The volumes are finished with a flat roof and a height of 7 m. The facades are finished with anthracite sandwich panels on top of an insulated concrete plinth. The exterior joinery will be made of anthracite aluminium.
Building 2 is located at the head of the site. This building consists of three units. Unit 29H will include additional office space on the first floor. Above unit 29I there will be a caretaker's house. Only unit 29I is accessible at the head of the site. The height of building 2 is 7.5 m where the ground floor has a height of 4.08 m. The facades are finished with insulated grey concrete panels. The exterior joinery will be made of anthracite aluminium.
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